The Soda Pop
Every computer connected to the Internet has a unique identifier called an IP Address. On many networks, the IP Address of a computer is always the same. On other networks, a random IP Address is assigned each time a computer connects to the network. This is what we are referring to when we ask if you have a static or a dynamic IP Address. If a system uses dynamic addressing, the IP can change quite often.

method 1

One can surf anonymously and easy with the help of a nice services called CGI/Web proxies. Simply type a URL you want to visit -- the Page does the job for you, selecting random CGI/Web proxy from a hundreds of available services, securing you from many potential dangers. When you follow a link on a page viewed via CGI Proxy you get there via the this Proxy again, so you don't have to type a new URL.

CGI/Web proxy has two more nice features. Firstly, there are WWW sites that are inaccessible from one place, but easily accessible from another. Once I was trying to load a page located in Australia for 20 minutes, all in vain. Using CGI/Web proxies immediately solved the problem. Secondly, there are certain sites that give you information depending on where you are "calling" from.
Some CGI/Web proxies are able to encrypt URLs (uniform resource locator) in a way that these can be used as reference for a server. If a request with an encrypted URL occurs, they are able to decrypt the URL and forward it to the server, without enabling the user to get knowledge about the server address. All references in the servers response are again encrypted before the response is forwarded to the client.

Some CGI/Web proxies are able to use secure HTTPS protocol for exchanging data between proxy and your computer, even if original server is not secure. This option excluding possiblility to sniff a data flow between your computer and this proxy is very useful in some cases, for example, when you are forced to work in possibly scanned/sniffed insecure public network.

method 2.
Proxy Servers

What is proxy?

Proxy - a server setup designed to offer either firewall security or faster access to cached content normally accessible only through slower connections. Proxy server - is the software installed on some network server. The main purpose of this software is to relay traffic between two network hosts (client and server), sometimes this software does some data caching (usually this is performed by HTTP proxies). If your browser is configured to work through the proxy server then all your network traffic will go through that proxy server.

The main purposes of proxy servers:

Transfer speed improvement (in case of caching proxies). You may use your ISP's proxy to access the internet - usually you have better connection to your ISP's proxy than to other hosts, if this proxy has the resource you requested from the internet you will get a copy of it from proxy (from its cache). Security and privacy (for HTTP). Anonymous proxies hide information about your computer in the request headers, so you can safely surf the net and your information will never be used in any way. LAN interconnection (or LAN to WAN connection). Sometimes you experience some problems while accessing the server located in the other network (for example in the internet).

There are 3 types of HTTP proxies:

Fully anonymous (elite or high anonymous) proxies. Such proxies do not change request fields and look like real browser. You real IP is also hidden of course. People that administrating internet servers will think that you are not using any proxies.

Anonymous proxies also do not show your real IP but change the request fields, so it is very easy to detect that proxy while log analyzing. Nothing really matters, but some server administrators restrict the proxy requests. Transparent proxies (not anonymous, simply HTTP) change the request fields, also they transfer real IP. Such proxies are not applicable for security and privacy while surfing on net. You can use them only for network speed improvement. When Web Proxy Servers are Useful?

Hide My Ip download Permitting and restricting client access to the Internet based on the client IP Address. Caching documents for internal documents. - Selectively controlling access to the Internet and subnets based on the submitted URL. Providing Internet access for companies using private networks. Converting data to HTML format so it is readable by a browser. So you have download this tool and hide your ip address
click to download ultra surf"

To ensure that you have hiiden you ip, click here

Once you get your real IP, switch on your IP hiding software. Now once again visit the above site and check your IP address. If you see a new IP then this means that your software is doing the right job. Also the above site( is capable of detecting many proxies. If you see the words such as “suspected proxy server or network sharing device” or similar words then it means that the proxy you are using is not an Elite Proxy.

One Final Word before you leave! Even though Elite proxies are almost undetectable this doesn ’t mean that you can escape from online crimes by hiding your IP. There are many proxy detecting services available which detect almost any proxy. So if you involve in any cyber crimes then you will definitely be behind the bars. Using proxy will not help you in this case. One More thing, it is unsafe to use proxy during e-commerce transactions such as Online banking, Online Credit Card payment etc. So please avoid proxies during these circumstances.

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